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Showing posts from December, 2022

Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter - Using Of SEStudio1Import.vb Module

Welcome back to  Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter tutorial series. In the previous tutorial, I've shown you how to create class module that responsible for setting file processing. Click this link  Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter - Creating Class Module For Setting File Process In this series, I will show you how to use the SEStudio1Import.vb class module that I created in the previous tutorial. Now open the class, copy the codes below and replace the content of this class module. Imports OMXRioData Public Class SEStudio1FilterBase Inherits OMXRioFilter.FilterBase Private RELAY_PARAMETERS_BLOCK As String = "CUSTOM.RELAY_PARAMETERS" Private AUTHOR_PARAMETER As String = "CUSTOM.AUTHOR.IMPORT_FILTER_AUTHOR" Public Overrides Sub SetParameter(isImport As Boolean , paramName As String , paramValue As String ) 'Do nothing End Sub Public Overrides Function ExecuteExport() As Boolean R

Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter - Creating Class Module For Setting File Process

Welcome back to  Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter tutorial series. In the previous tutorial, I've shown you how to create user interface. Click this link  Micom SE Studio1 Import Filter - Creating User Interface (UI) In this series, I will show you how to add class module that responsible for setting file processing. Meaning, the relay has a setting configuration which can be exported in readable file like text file, xml file or csv file & etc. In this tutorial, I'm going to use text file (.txt). Now, add new class in the SEStudio1 folder and name it with SEStudio1Import.vb . All the data from setting file will be process in this class. Copy the code below and paste it it to import section. Imports System.IO Imports OMXRioData Next,  we need to declare some names, functions and procedures to be used in this class module. Copy the codes below and paste them inside the SEStudio1Import.vb . Private _Document As OMXRioData.IAutoXRioDocument 'Storage of XRIO document