There are many ways to write text or string to a file. In this tutorial, we are going to use StreamWriter class and StringBuilder class. StreamWriter is designed for character output in a particular encoding, whereas classes derived from Stream are designed for byte input and output. StringBuilder class represents a string-like object whose value is a mutable sequence of characters. Required Preferences System.Runtime.Extensions.dll for StreamWriter class System.Runtime.dll for StringBuilder class Procedure Open Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2019) Create new Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) for Visual Basic then click next Set the project name to WriteTextToFileVB, the location where to save the project, the solution name will automatically set but this can be set to any name example "Tutorials", set the framework (.NET Framework 4.7.2) or framework 1.1 or higher then click create The new project will be display in few seconds Rename the default form from Form1 to For...