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Read An Encrypted File In Visual Basic

There are many ways to decrypt encrypted text or data. In this tutorial, I'm using DESCryptoServiceProvider class to encrypt and decrypt strings using the cryptographic service provider version of the Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm.

The use encryption to protect secret data and to make data unreadable by unauthorized users.

In this tutorial I'm going to use the existing project from the previous tutorial Write An Encrypted Text File. Check this tutorial to see how to write an encrypted text file. And today I will modify the previous tutorial and add a methods to read an encrypted file.


  1. Download the previous project at Write An Encrypted Text File.
  2. Rename the project to ReadEncryptedFileVB.
  3. Load the project and open the FormMain then add new CommandButton and set the name property to ButtonReadFile and set the text property to Read Encrypted File. Resize the button to display the text property. Set the ButtonWrite text property to Write Encrypted File and resize to display the text property.
  4. Double click the Read Encrypted File button to view the Click event method and paste the code below.

  5.  1
    Using OpenFile As New OpenFileDialog

    With OpenFile
    'Create InitialDirectory variable and get the My Documents folder path
    Dim InitialDirectory As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)

    'Set the initial directory
    .InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory

    'Set the file extention to filter
    .Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt;"

    'Set the restore directory
    .RestoreDirectory = True

    If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then

    Using TextStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(.FileName)

    TextBoxContainer.Text = EncryptionWrapper.DecryptData(TextStreamReader.ReadToEnd())


    End Using


    'If Cancel button was click then
    'Do nothing

    End If

    End With

    End Using

  6. Run the project.
Save the this project for the future tutorials and  that's all. I hope that you enjoy my tutorials.
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