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Using User Defined Field In Omicron Control Center Document

Welcome to my tutorial page. In this tutorial, I will show you how to use UserDefined field in the OCC document. 

In the Report View of the Control Center, you can customize your overall report. Test modules may be embedded in the report, and run from it. One report can be used as a standard template to retest and compare one or more test objects. Example, by inserting basic field like page number, page count, page title and etc. UserDefined field is basically the same with the basic field but it can only use programmatically. Because if insert UserDefined field it will display nothing or empty. So, this is the tutorial all about, how to use these fields. 

Now download this file Omicron Control Center - UserDefined Field. This file was created in the previous tutorial series called Omicron Control Center Custom Dialog using Test Universe 4.20. If you can't open this file, your software might be outdated. You have to upgrade you Test Universe to version 4.20 or check the link below to create this file using your current Test Universe version.

Insert your logo or any picture by pasting inside the report view on the right side. Next, insert a new field by clicking the Field button at the Insert tab. Make sure the report view is selected to enable the Field insert button. Meaning the cursor should be inside the report view because the field will be inserted in the current cursor position.

When the Insert Field dialog open, scroll down at the available fields until you find the UserDefined 01 then select it and click OK button. This will display "n/a" because this field has no data. Insert another two UserDefined field, UserDefined 02 and UserDefined 03 then format them according to what you like. 

Once you complete the procedure above, the UserDefined should be arrange accordingly in the image. As you can see I also inserted a page brake meaning the information below that page brake will be printed in the next page.

Now, open the Script window by clicking the Script View button under the View tab then stop the script when its running. Find the SetRelayInformation procedure then insert the code below right after the line Dialog dlg.

Document.UserField(1) = UCase dlg.txtSubstationName
Document.UserField(2) = UCase dlg.txtCBName & " - " & dlg.txtCircuitName
Document.UserField(3) = UCase dlg.txtDeviceType

Once it done, click the Back to Report View button then run the script by clicking the SetRelayInformation button at Home tab. 

Change the relay data information then click OK button.

As you can see, the UserDefined fields has been updated. So, that's it. You can find the way where you gonna use this.

In the next tutorial, I will show you how to make a import filter for Omicron Control Center document. Check the video below to see what I mean.

See you next time.

Overall codes:
' ************************************************************
' This is module *Module1 .
' Automatically generated uses comments are placed here.
' Don't edit these lines.
'#Uses "*Module1"
' ************************************************************

Public GlobalTO As XRio

Dim Source_Array() As String
Dim Source_Enum As AutoParameter

Sub SetRelayInformation()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set GlobalTO = Document.TestObjects(1).Specific

Begin Dialog UserDialog 480,273,"Relay Information Dialog Editor" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
Text 10,14,140,14,"Substation Name:",.lblSubstationName
Text 10,42,140,14,"Substation Address:",.lblSubstationAddress
Text 10,70,140,14,"CB Name:",.lblCBName
Text 10,98,140,14,"Circuit Name:",.lblCircuitName
Text 10,126,140,14,"Device Type:",.lblDeviceType
Text 10,154,140,14,"Manufacturer:",.lblManufacturer
Text 10,182,140,14,"Serial Number:",.lblSerialNumber
Text 10,210,140,14,"Device Address:",.lblDeviceAddress
TextBox 160,14,300,21,.txtSubstationName
TextBox 160,42,300,21,.txtSubstationAddress
TextBox 160,70,300,21,.txtCBName
TextBox 160,98,300,21,.txtCircuitName
TextBox 160,126,300,21,.txtDeviceType
TextBox 160,154,300,21,.txtManufacturer
TextBox 160,182,300,21,.txtSerialNumber
TextBox 160,210,300,21,.txtDeviceAddress
OKButton 370,238,90,21,.btnOK
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog

dlg.txtSubstationName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_NAME"))
dlg.txtSubstationAddress = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_ADDRESS"))
dlg.txtCBName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CB_NAME"))
dlg.txtCircuitName = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CIRCUIT_NAME"))
dlg.txtDeviceType = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_TYPE"))
dlg.txtManufacturer = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".MANUFACTURER"))
dlg.txtSerialNumber = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SERIAL_NUMBER"))
dlg.txtDeviceAddress = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_ADDRESS"))

Dialog dlg

Document.UserField(1) = UCase dlg.txtSubstationName
Document.UserField(2) = UCase dlg.txtCBName & " - " & dlg.txtCircuitName
Document.UserField(3) = UCase dlg.txtDeviceType

GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSubstationName, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SUBSTATION_ADDRESS").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSubstationAddress, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CB_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtCBName, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".CIRCUIT_NAME").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtCircuitName, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_TYPE").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtDeviceType, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".MANUFACTURER").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtManufacturer, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".SERIAL_NUMBER").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtSerialNumber, ""
GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(BASIC_INFO_PATH & ".DEVICE_ADDRESS").ParameterString.SetDisplayValue dlg.txtDeviceAddress, ""


Set GlobalTO = Nothing

Exit Sub
MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOkOnly+ vbCritical,"Error")
End Sub

Function GetDisplayString(Parameter As AutoParameter) As String
If Not Parameter Is Nothing Then
GetDisplayString = Parameter.DisplayString
GetDisplayString = "-"
End If
End Function

Sub SetTheSourceController()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set GlobalTO = Document.TestObjects(1).Specific

Begin Dialog UserDialog 480,105,"Source Controller",.SourceControllerFunction ' %GRID:10,7,1,1
Text 10,14,140,14,"Source:",.lblSource
Text 10,42,140,14,"Selected Source:",.lblSelectedSource
DropListBox 160,14,300,21,Source_Array(),.dlbSource,2
TextBox 160,42,300,21,.txtSelectedSource
OKButton 370,70,90,21,.btnOK
CancelButton 270,70,90,21
End Dialog

Dim dlg As UserDialog

Dim DialogResult As Integer

DialogResult = Dialog (dlg)

Set GlobalTO = Nothing

Exit Sub
MsgBox(Err.Description, vbOkOnly+ vbCritical,"Error")
End Sub

Function GetParameterEnumList(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As String()
Dim Result As String
If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
Result = Result & EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName & ","
Result = "-,"
End If
GetParameterEnumList = Split(Result,",")
End Function

Function GetEnumIndex(EnumParameter As AutoParameter) As Integer
Dim Result As Integer
If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
For i = 1 To EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Count
If Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(i).DisplayName)) Like Trim(UCase(EnumParameter.DisplayString)) Then
Result = i-1
End If
Result = 0
End If

End Function

Sub SetEnumValue(EnumParameter As AutoParameter, ValueIndex As Integer)
If Not EnumParameter Is Nothing Then
EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.SetDisplayValue EnumParameter.ParameterEnum.EnumValues.Item(ValueIndex+1).DisplayName, ""
End If
End Sub

Rem See DialogFunc help topic for more information.
Private Function SourceControllerFunction(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Set Source_Enum = GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(TEST_CONTROLLER_PATH & ".SOURCE")
Source_Array = GetParameterEnumList(Source_Enum)

DlgEnable "txtSelectedSource",False

DlgListBoxArray "dlbSource",Source_Array()
DlgValue "dlbSource",GetEnumIndex(Source_Enum)

DlgText "txtSelectedSource", GetSourceControllerFeedback(DlgText("dlbSource"))
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Rem SourceControllerFunction = True ' Prevent button press from closing the dialog box
Select Case DlgItem
Case "dlbSource"
DlgText "txtSelectedSource", GetSourceControllerFeedback(DlgText(DlgItem))
SourceControllerFunction = True
Case "btnOK"
SetEnumValue Source_Enum, DlgValue("dlbSource")
Set Source_Enum = Nothing
Case "CancelButton"
Set Source_Enum = Nothing
Case Else
End Select

Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Case 5 ' Idle
Rem Wait .1 : SourceControllerFunction = True ' Continue getting idle actions
Case 6 ' Function key
End Select
End Function

Private Function GetSourceControllerFeedback(Reference As String) As String
Select Case Reference
Case "Source 1"
GetSourceControllerFeedback = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(SOURCE_PATH & ".SOURCE1.NAME"))
Case "Source 2"
GetSourceControllerFeedback = GetDisplayString (GlobalTO.XRioDocument.GetParamFromIDs(SOURCE_PATH & ".SOURCE2.NAME"))
End Select
End Function


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