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Basic Requirements For Relay Testing

For relay testing, we might use different equipment with different style and also depend on asset owner requirements. In this page, these are the basic requirement to test the relay in our network that we work witth.

Relay test set (i.e. Omicron CMC’s)

Omicron CMC test sets like CMC256, CMC356 are very common testing device for the relays installed in the power substations, generation, transmission and etc.

Test leads

Use to connect the CMC to the relay test plugs

Relay settings for reference

This is a documentation of the as left relay settings the day the relay been commissioned which to be verified in the relay

Laptops, recommended 2 units or more

Two or more laptops is better for the relay testing because one laptop will be used in the test set like CMC and the other will be use to communicate the relay. If SCADA checks is required, it’s better to use third laptop to communicate the RTU to check if the relay alarms register through the RTU.

Test plugs

This will be use to isolate the relay to enable to test the relay without operating or livening the associated high voltage equipment like circuit breakers, voltage transformers and etc.

Drawings, schematic, logic diagram

These are the documentation of as built drawings/diagram that left in the substation to be used in the time of troubleshooting, testing and etc.

Dummy circuit breaker

This may be needed for autoreclose testing if we can’t use the actual circuit breaker.

Isolation and test procedure (in our company we called it ITP – instruction and test procedures

This is a documentation the contains isolation instructions required before relay testing like insert test plug or disconnect wires, disable breaker failure or others that may introduce any risk of tripping or injuries. This also may contains instructions on how to test some elements that require procedure and after testing, restoration instructions of the isolation done before the relay testing.

Approved operating order

Is the documentation of sequential steps of operation of the high voltage equipment like circuit breakers, disconnect switches or fuses to isolate the equipment or circuit to work with. This is also contains steps of putting lock and tag of equipment to prevent the operating of the isolated equipment. This may also contains permits like access permit, test permit, work authority or any permit that required in any types of work on the equipment. For relay testing we pickup Work Authority.


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